If you want to lose weight faster without feeling so hungry, taking green juice to lose weight can be a good way out. Eating green juices helps you lose weight when you need it most.

How does green juice to lose weight work?

Drinking green juice facilitates your digestion so does weight loss. This is because it helps to eliminate excess water from the body.

Green juice helps you lose weight because diuretic vegetables help eliminate fluid retention.

The preparation of these juices is so simple and the results so positive that there is no reason why you should not start making one now.

It is always good to remember that any type of diet or new eating habit should be started with the prior approval of your trusted professionals.

Green juice can help you burn body fat naturally.

Green drinks are widely used to detoxify the body and burn fat. This is due to its high content of vitamins and minerals that in addition to helping you lose weight help to make your workouts even more effective.

Advantages of green juice for weight loss: can be consumed at room temperature.

They are great allies for those who need to use the fruits and vegetables of the season and discover new flavors.

They almost always offer an excellent dose of vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants.

The great advantage of eating green juice to lose weight is that as all the ingredients are smooth, we can make preparations with all types of fruits and vegetables and extract all properties from them.

By taking green juice you will not only be able to lose weight, but you will also be helping to improve your metabolism, digestion and even your skin.

We have separated 4 green juice recipes for you who want to lose weight. Check it out!

Dicas de receitas de suco verde para emagrecer

Green Juice with Parsley


  • 1 portion of parsley;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation:

Chop the parsley, squeeze a lemon juice, add the water and mix everything in a blender.

The indication is to drink this juice in the morning. The ideal is not to spend more than 5 days in a row taking this preparation.

If you want to take it again, take another 5-day break. This juice contains vitamins and minerals and its diuretic power will help you lose weight.

Antioxidant Green Juice


  • Celery (more or less 5cm)
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 small spoon of grated ginger;
  • 1 bowl of fresh spinach;
  • 3 apples;
  • 1 small spoon of chopped fresh parsley.

Method of preparation:

Clean all the vegetables and place in a blender with a glass of water. Squeeze the lemon and just beat.

This juice in addition to vitamins and minerals is a great blood oxygenator. In addition, it will regulate your intestinal transit and help you lose weight.

Green Pineapple, Cucumber and Celery Juice


  • Chopped pineapple;
  • Half a cup of chopped cucumber (with peel);
  • A pan of celery;
  • A cup of water.

Method of preparation:

Beat all the ingredients in the blender.

This juice in addition to preventing constipation has diuretic properties. So taking a portion of it every morning can help you lose weight.

Green Tea Beat with Fruits


  • Half Melon;
  • A Peach;
  • Grapes;
  • A cup of unsweetened green tea;
  • A spoon of bee honey;
  • Half a cup of lemon juice;
  • Half a glass of water.

Method of preparation:

The fruits must be frozen. After that just mix all the ingredients and beat the blended.

This preparation, besides helping to lose weight, is antioxidant, diuretic and accelerates the metabolism.

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