Differences between Light and Diet products

By Jack

Many people get confused with the categories of light and diet food. Often, even, this type of product is bought indiscriminately. However, these products are distinct and serve different needs. In this article you will…

Protein-rich foods to replace meat

By Jack

Meats are an excellent source of protein and also contribute to a healthy diet. But, did you know that even without their presence on our plate it is still possible to maintain a balanced and…

How to decrease the percentage of fat?

By Jack

Losing weight is a task that requires discipline , both food and sports. Combining this drop with burning fat is also essential, as the body volume bothers many people . However, when thinking about how…

Understand what the role of Sports Nutritionist

By Jack

With the growing demand for sports and the increasing number of athletes (whether they are beginners or not) , the need for health professionals also grows. Thus, a profession that gained prominence was nutrition. In…

Discover the best supplements for runners

By Jack

Anyone who practices running as a physical activity knows very well that the best source of energy for athletes should always be a balanced diet. However, there are situations where it is necessary to use…